Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dulles Air and Space Smithsonian

Today we headed for the Dulles Air and Space Smithsonian. We had a great time and William loved it. I think his neck might hurt from looking up at the airplanes all morning! He kept repeating, "airplane! airplane! wing! mama airplane, baby airplane" and he would say, "pisuuuu, pisuuuuu!" (like the sound they make in the sky) which was his early word for "airplane" before he could actually say it. He pointed out the airplane's colors and the colors of the wings and "wheels up" or "wheels down" for every aircraft. He really enjoyed the helicopters too. He talked CONSTANTLY and I really think his mind was on overload with excitement! After about 2 hours of good times, we headed home!

Checking out the runways from the watch tower


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