William loves the swimming pool. He's a huge fan. To be honest, I really thought he might be timid around the water this year just because he's developed a sense of awareness to the world around him. He can be cautious at times and a daredevil other times. Turns out, the pool is nothing but fun for this little guy.
When we first started swimming this year, I told William he would get to wear bright orange "engine wings" (aka floaties but in William's world, they are airplane engines). He was totally on board with the idea and let me put them on his arms without any complaints. I also gave him the option of wearing his shark suit or just regular swim trunks, and he immediately chose the shark suit (the blue suit has a picture of a shark on it). It might seem like overkill, but my goal for William is to love the swimming pool and enjoy playing in the water without being afraid. When he's wearing his shark and engine wings, this little boy throws caution to the wind.
Today, I casually asked William if he'd like to jump off the diving board. I was kidding, but to my surprise, he said, "yes mama!" Sure enough, he walked down that plank like a pro. I told him to sit down on the end of the board and Dada would hold his hands. William did just that, and took the plunge into the water! When he realized what he'd done and that we were so excited, he quickly said, "do it again mama!" I think he went off the board more than 15 times. He LOVED it! Everyone else was cheering him on and impressed that a 2.5 year old was man enough to tackle the deep end of the pool!
I LOOOOOVE it!! I am such a proud aunt. The pic of him on the diving board looks exactly like YOU! Way to go William! Can't wait for him to tell me about it on the phone. Love ya!
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