Sunday, August 8, 2010

never forget

how often you randomly grab my neck, squeeze me tight and say "I love you Mom Mom."

how you tell Dada and I almost everyday that we are both your very best friends.

how you lay flat on the floor for hours in order to study how an object works.

how you love an adventure and always go along with a smile.

how you kiss my check every night when you go to bed.  "Let me give you a kiss."

how you climb up in my lap asking me to hold you everytime you watch a tv show.

how you light up with extra energy when Dada walks through the door at the end of the day.

how you remind me at the most random moments that "Mom Mom, you are my best girl ever."

how you receive so many complements on your good manners.

how you protect your friends when someone isn't playing kindly.

how you opened your mind to trying new foods - finally.

how you love to build forts with Dada.

how you are 100% absorbed in your imagination of flight.

how often you remind me " we just try our best like the ant on Word World and it's no big deal if  it doesn't work."

how when you are 48 inches tall you will go to the Boeing building for a tour.

how intrigued you are by backyards and garages "Mom,  Mom they have 3 garages!"

how we never knew such a love until you were born.


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