5 Random Things About Me:I eat apples only on the right side of my mouth
I can't for the life of me pronounce "ambulance" correctly
I gave Tom Selleck a tour of the U.S. Capitol
My favorite word has always been "Persnicity"
I was in the Kids Incorporated fan club as a child
4 Things That Annoy MeAdults wearing any form of animation on their clothing - especially embroidered on denim, tennis shoes, and accessories
Anyone wearing pajama pants in a public place
The fact that as hard as I try, I will probably always have my fingernail habit
Children and Adults who demonstrate a lack of manners
3 Places I love to goThe Fountain for Facials
For a haircut
2 Great AchievementsBecoming a mom
Working in the White House for the President of the United States and the First Lady
1 Gift from GodWilliam Bradley Barron