Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Santa House in Tulsa and Elf arrives

As Christmas approaches, I try to take the kids early in the season to the Christmas house at Utica Square.  It's a darling playhouse in the middle of the square with Santa and Mrs. Claus.  I have enjoyed this special tradition since we moved to Tulsa a few years ago. 

I have found that going to the Santa house a few days after Thanksgiving is the best option.  There is never a line and we have plenty of time to visit with Santa and take a lot of pictures.  This year, it was bitter cold.  I mean FREEZING.  But I knew we had to go and tough it out before the days slipped away and the crowds formed.  So one day after school, we raced to the Santa House.  Anna was so cold.  We tried to be quick.  You can tell by their faces that they were ready to get in a warm car!

Anna was not interested in sitting with Santa, so she stayed off to the side next to William. Adeline visited with Santa but didn't want to sit on his lap.  William chatted with him as well and asked for a some baseball equipment.




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