Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another year of preschool has come and gone.......

It's the end of the preschool year for William!  He had a super year thanks to his loving teachers, Ms. Laurie and Ms. Grace.  They were amazing teachers and I am forever grateful for their dedication and sincere love for William and his classmates.  Ms. Laurie and Ms. Grace are remarkable ladies who truly made an impact on William.  They taught him SO MUCH about the world around him and spent endless time teaching the children about kindness and friendship.   I can't even begin to list all of his milestones.  Some of the highlights of the year include William learning all about shapes "Mom Mom a square has 4 equal sides and a pentagon has 5 angles", how to spell 3 letter words, mastering every detail of the 4 seasons, re-enforcing the "taking turns" rule, and forming some of his very first best friend relationships. 

It was incredible to watch him change from a little 2 year old on the first day of school into an even smarter 3 year old by the end of the year.  Even though he is still "little" he seems SO BIG to me.  I realize the baby is no longer there and has been replaced with a fun loving little boy who finds pure joy in every single moment of every single day.  I simply can't ask for more.  I hope that as William grows up, he continues to foster his gentle spirit, thriving imagination and his innocent desire to be everyone's friend. 

Here is a look at the end of the year gift that the teachers helped create for the moms.  It's a scrapbook filled with candid pictures of William "in action" at preschool, clips of his artwork, little interviews and trinkets that he's made throughout the year.  I am more than E.X.C.I.T.E.D. to have such a special present.  I told you his teachers were AMAZING and so very thoughtful.  I will treasure his preschool book for years to come.

1 comments: said...

try to re-post preschool book! i dont know if it worked the first time and i would love to see it! miss you all and my little guy...

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