Anna's First Easter!
William didn't have school on Friday, so we headed to OKC early and arrived with plenty of time for the kids to hit the Omniplex Science Museum. Dan was in charge of William and Adeline at the museum while I took Anna with me on a few errands.
Friday night we headed to Charlestons for dinner and then Dan, Rachel and I hit the outlet mall. We had a great time and got a big laugh when Dan "I never shop" Barron arrived at the car with 7 shopping bags. He even rubbed it in our faces with a big, "GIRLS! LOOK WHO HAULED IN THE SHOPPING BAGS. I SMOKED YA!"
Saturday, Dan, Pops and I took the kids to the OKC Zoo. We had a great time. The OKC zoo is better than Tulsa and the elephant pavilion is outstanding. All the "popular" animals were outside and the kids had fun seeing the elephants, monkeys and tiger up close and personal. After a few hours, Adeline ran herself silly and took a nap in the stroller while Pops and William feasted on some ice cream. It was a beautiful day for our outing and by 1pm, we were ready to go.
We took a brief break back at the house before heading to the park for a family Easter picnic. Bebe went out of her way to make our Easter picnic super fun. We had fried chicken, butter sandwiches, fruit and a bunny cupcake cake. The kids spent most of the time on the playground until Bebe busted out the bunny pinata. It was hilarious to watch the kids swing at the bunny with a plastic bat. They took the whole thing SO seriously. After awhile, the bunny broke and the kiddos went wild for the candy.
Sunday we all got ready for church and headed to St. Luke's Easter service. After church, we met Mac and Meme at the house for brunch. Time with family is priceless. Especially the moments we share with my grandparents who are my childrens' great grandparents.
Happy Easter!
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