Sunday, February 21, 2010

Real Simple

I don't usually post stuff specifically about myself, but I wanted to make sure I remember years from now that I was published in Real Simple Magazine.

They have reader write-ins every month where the magazine asks questions for the public to answer. You email your submissions and then all the answers go into a black tunnel never to be recognized..........

or so I thought.

The March 2010 issue begged the question: "What is the one beauty product you can't live without?"

I didn't even give it more than 3 seconds thought and I emailed my answer: "Toothpaste, because bad breath just isn't beautiful."

They published it.

My moment in the sun.


Anonymous said...

That is too funny! Congrats.

Unknown said...

They say a child knows the truth, you prove it, with your baby photo in DC, look at his face,he is not happy.

It is good to know that your baby don't like politics

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