Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just Talkin' Part II

William (talking to himself): "and for some really big reason, airplanes make strong boys hungry but we have muscles to use......." "I need to be an adult so I can sit in the big seat up there with mama (in the car) and we can listen to William's music and be as tall as Dada...."

Background: William comes running out of his preschool classroom and into my arms with a huge smile on his face.

William to Me: "OH I LOVE YOU MOM MOM!"
Me to William: "Oh, I love you too William! You are my best boy!"
William to Me: "Mom Mom, you are my best girl ever in the whole world."

I'll cherish that "mommy moment" forever.


It's been a few days and William still seems concerned about the fact that Mom Mom doesn't have a bed.

William to Dada: "This is your bed Dada." (pointing to the bed in our room)
Dada to William: "Well, where is Mama's bed?"
William to Dada: "We need to buy Mom Mom a bed at the bed store Dada. She doesn't have one. Maybe we can find her a girl size bed at the store."


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