Monday, July 18, 2011

The Big Apple Adventure VBS 2011

Last week was Vacation Bible School at our church in Alexandria.  The theme was "New York City, The Big Apple Adventure."  I wasn't quite sure how New York and the Bible were related, but William came home every single day full of stories, artwork in the shape of apples and hot dogs, fun facts about New York and most importantly, enthusiasm for Jesus.  
He LOVES VBS and we have participated every year since he was 14 months old.  I usually volunteer with the three year olds every year, but since I now have my sweet Adeline, I decided to take the year off and enjoy one on one time with her while William had fun at camp. 
As William would tell me, "it was a good decision," and Adeline and I spent most of our days playing at home.  I can't stop lovin' on this sweet blessing of mine!  I continue to stare at her in complete thankfulness. 

Some of the highlights from VBS include:

  • William making a name tag necklace and stringing the beads on one side in pink, purple and white "just for Adeline."  The other side was red and blue like American Airlines
  • "Mom, we are suppose to find someone who doesn't know Jesus and bring them to church with us.  Can you help me find someone who doesn't know Jesus?  Everyone should love him."
  • "Mom, can we go to New York?  I need to see the Statue of Liberty." (asked everyday, 20 times)
  • "Mom, don't you think the Statue of Liberty gets tired of holding her hand up all day long?  I know she's not real, but that would get kinda boring after 30 hours."
  • "Mom, do you think there are airplane toys in Heaven for the kids?  I hope so."
  • "This CD of bible school songs is my favorite.  Let's listen to the whole thing without getting out of the car.  We can just sit here in the parking lot."


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