Thursday, July 19, 2012

WBB age 5.5 years - Favorite Things

I have VERY fond memories of my dad pulling out a spiral notebook at the dinner table and going around the room asking my brother and sister and me all about our favorite things. He 'd write the answers down and note the date and our age at the time of the interview. We did this about 2 or 3 times a year and each time we'd open the notebook, everyone got a kick out of what they said when they were 6, 7, 8, etc. years old. I consider that childhood memory as one of my most "favorite things" about my dad. 

So here is the 2nd update from this year.

William Barron - 5.5 Years old July 18, 2012

"My Favorites"

  • color - blue and red
  • animal - giraffe
  • airplane - Jumbo Jet
  • number- 100
  • food- pizza
  • candy - tootsie rolls
  • train - remote control trains
  • toy - airplanes
  • friend - colin
  • car - race cars
  • thing about Holland Hall - seeing Mrs. Overcash
  • thing to do with Dada - unload the bags from the car
  • thing to do with Mom Mom - have her lay next to me
  • book - Bernstein Bears and Mr. Men
  • song - Mr. Roboto
  • about Bebe - playing with her
  • about Pops - reading books with him
  • about Gram - her hot tub
  • about Bubba - scanning papers
  • drink - milk
  • at night - watch Chasing UFOs
  • about morning - eating breakfast bars
  • to wear - t-shirts
  • place to go in the car - airport
  • on a trip - Hanston, KS and to Oklahoma City
  • about Santa - he lives in Antartica


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