Thursday, December 29, 2011

William's PreK Holland Hall Christmas Party

William's preK class held their Christmas party the Monday before the school break.  I volunteered to bring the plates and looked forward to coming to his classroom.  I am so glad I was able to attend because it was a great way to meet other moms and have a hands on understanding of William's daily activities.
William was DELIGHTED that I was going to be at school for the party.  He hopped out of the car and told his teacher first thing.  He even told her that Adeline was coming too - he was so proud!
We showed up around 11:30 am to set up while the kids were in Spanish class.  I was really impressed to see almost all the moms in attendance as it just confirmed how open and welcoming the school is for parents.  Adeline was very good during the party.  She sat in her stroller and watched the fish tank and the gerbils for quite a long time.  Ultimately, I ended up getting her out of the stroller and putting her on the floor so she could crawl around.  I am SO careful about making sure she stays out of the way during William's activities weather it's at school, a party or one of his classes.  I know she is welcome to come with me (after all, she's a baby!), but I do NOT expect her to be a part of the event. 
It's William's gig.
That said, we had a great time and William loved telling everyone about "his baby."  He anxiously gave me a tour of the classroom, showed me the toys he likes to play with ("see mom, that's what I am talking about when you ask me what I did during free time!"), and introduced me to his friends.

I stood back for awhile and just watched William in action.  He was beaming and running around with his new friends.  In that moment, I was SO THANKFUL for his healthy transition into a new environment.  He's had to tackle so much change in such a short time and he's handled all of it beautifully.  I think we're gonna like it here.


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