Miss Anna,
Today you are one week old! I cannot believe it. The days have flown by, and I find myself asking, "What did we ever do without you?"
In your first week of life you have proved to be a fantastic eater. You took to your bottle from day one and at a week old, you drink 2 ounces of formula about every 3-4 hours. You fit snuggly in a size newborn diaper and you love to snooze most of the day.
The nights are my favorite time with you. I love when you look at me in the darkness and lay on my chest. You know I am here and together we just talk and visit about your day. You love to hold my finger and you also like your pacifier from the hospital.
One week down and a lifetime to go........we love you Anna Elizabeth and I cannot wait to see the little girl you become.
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